A walk down the Bitch with a Beach

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I hate my parents... occasionally.

If anyone ever reads this, do me a favour, don't comment about it. Even if you do, don't ever let me know.

Does it ever seem fair when the best excuse your parents can give you after they blame you for something you never done is that " its because i'm your parent." Think about it, doesn't it defies every moral principle.

When you finally think you have improve in your grades, you go home, your result slip in your and hands and all you ever ask for is a pat on your back and hear the words "That's my son! Way to go!" But that never comes out right does it? It would probably sound more like "This is not ur best, ur other teachers all say it, this isn't all you got." DAMMIT.

And it does get worst when preferencial treatment amongst siblings come into play. One day my sister and i were watching mother bake bread. We both asked the same question, in the same tone. " Can i look?" Mother told sis to "wait a while". She yelled at me and said,"YOU GO AWAY." Doesn't that just drag you beneath?

Parents never ask their kids what they want. They simply impose instruction they think are most suitable for their kids' progress. The key word is THINK... or rather impose.

Even when you do nothing wrong, blameproof (that's what i call it), your mother can make an incredulous fuss out of it and pretend nothing happened when she finds out the truth. When I, the child, try to claim some justice, my mother's husband just tells me to shut up and walk away.

How in the world am i suppose to swallow all the injustice and the parent gets away with it? Parents don't bother about sorry but they expect it to come naturally from a child when he does something wrong.

Parents are never honest, they are a facade of they apparent shell. They expect all the respect from the child but the only thing they ever did to earn it is nature's pre-destined way of making me their child.

And i live my life knowing i'll grow up to be just like them some day and hopefully i won't need to read my son's blog. Because i know this will be his exact sentiments. F*** it.


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