A walk down the Bitch with a Beach

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The "That Hot Babe" Post

Wooosh. I opened the friendster window. I tried to enter the words "claire mong". My fingers refused. I tried again. My hand slapped me on my face. I tried using my toes, it worked. I clicked enter. The 2 eggs, 3 kaya toasts, 5 cutlets, 3 fishballs, 1 large intestine, 1 small intestine try to run out of my stomach. Now i know why my hands slapped me - unbelievably hot man. WOO!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The try to Mock the Yuxian Post

Let Hewlett Packard Printers take you to a newer, better level of printing technology.
Proudly presenting the new 400i series, the first of its kind, the world's fastest manual photocopier; Yuxian 400i.

Caution: Only use gay colours otherwise machine will whine. This machine cannot run on vegetables, it eats meat. Maintain safety distance when using device.

Now available at all skinny retailers, get yours today!


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The mock the JiaHao post.

Canon Presents.
The Revolutionary Canon Pixma; the world's first, manual photocopier:
The Canon Pixma JiaHao 400.
Get yours today- Electricity no required, he lives on cheese.

LOL!!! LOL!!! JiaHao! If u ever read this, this really is just a joke. HAHAHAHAHAHA.... =)

Another Annoyant

My lovely friends have criticised about my ^*&)*(@#&)$*@&#$*&!_# first post. Well, maybe i shall add a second to annoy them as well. After all, blogging is a way to, well, run away from boredom.... Temporarily i suppose.

That's right... I finally start blogging...

Hmmm..... Nothing to see here, so move along. NO! WAIT... COME BACK. ( i know this is corny). Hmmmm.... I guess i'll have to wait till something pops in my head before i post something more engaging. That will probably come next year.... i suppose...... i think.....