A walk down the Bitch with a Beach

Friday, May 30, 2008

NMA's Little Party

Silly Chandru missed it for some DotA, no offence buddy but you missed something good. I'm really impressed with Lisa's effort and sincerity. WOOT. Love the little rose-tag gift, its a awesome gesture. Yep, we all sat and brought down the house with freaky laughter and i must say THE NMA BOYS ARE JUST FUUUUN(sry girls). The 2 Andrew's were amusingly victimised, Ivan was in a way treated sceptically-"that emo warrior" (oops =D) and the shots of me were +.+ I just wanna say I LOVE YOU NMA PEPS for all the fun we had together! It was a smashing hellovaaaa great 2yrs. and and i just have to say this WHAT THE HECK IS WITH ZHENXIANG'S POSE???